Gospel of a

Whole Sun

From community activist and poet Katerina Jeng, a lyric exploration of the author’s journey back to her voice, her power, and the truest version of herself.

Gospel of a Whole Sun is a moving collection of poetry chronicling one woman’s journey of self-discovery over the course of three pivotal years. It documents the aftermath of a traumatic breakup, navigating anti-Asian violence during a global pandemic, coming out, and, ultimately, falling in love with life again.

A joyous and inspired debut from a gifted creator and healer, Gospel of a Whole Sun is a poignant look at the relationship of art-making to personal liberation.

Gospel of a Whole Sun is available worldwide, wherever books are sold.

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Katerina reads poems from Gospel of a Whole Sun at Yu & Me Books in Chinatown, New York on June 26th, 2024. Filmed by Oof Stories, an experiential documentary film collective that centers AAPI stories.


Katerina is currently booking readings, talks, keynotes, workshops, and class visits on the following topics:

  • Art-making as a path to personal & collective liberation

  • Katerina’s experience writing & publishing of Gospel of a Whole Sun

  • Creativity as a tool for healing, self-actualization, and community care

  • Asian American culture and liberation

  • Queer identity, joy, and celebration

  • Decolonizing language and creativity

  • The language of liberation

  • Practicing revolutionary love

  • The power of poetry—poetry workshops, programs, and readings

If you’re interested in bringing Katerina to your campus, conference, or organization, get in touch.



Stay up-to-date on events, community celebrations, and more fun things to come 💌